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We Discontinued Our #1 Selling Skincare Product And Cost Ourselves $10 million – Here's Why We Did It

We Discontinued Our #1 Selling Skincare Product And Cost Ourselves $10 million – Here's Why We Did It

Let me begin by saying, this is not click bait. We did, in fact, discontinue our #1 selling product which sold...
Methylene Blue is a Massive Trend in Skincare, But Is It Safe for Your Skin? Let's Explore.

Methylene Blue is a Massive Trend in Skincare, But Is It Safe for Your Skin? Let's Explore.

I’m not one for teasers, so let me start by saying yes, most likely Methylene Blue is safe to use...
This New Retinol Alternative Has Millennials Buzzing

This New Retinol Alternative Has Millennials Buzzing

It would be difficult to find an ingredient in the skincare industry more widespread and well known than Retinol. It...