peppermint tooth powder


How to Use

All Ingredients

Formulated with cleansing, mineral-rich amish egg shell powder and grass fed beef bones – this fresh peppermint powder cleans, whitens, and remineralizes your teeth, leaving you with an alkaline mouth that is resistant to cavities. Traditional toothpastes are riddled with toxins such as fluoride, foaming agents and sodium laureth sulfate – compounds that are known to be toxic to your brain and other organs. We've sourced an ingredient list that's as non-toxic as possible, including egg shells sourced from an Idaho Amish farm to reduce fluoride exposure.


Our heaven-sent ingredient is egg shell powder. That's because it's rich in Hydroxyapatite which has been shown to reverse tooth decay. Traditional egg shell powders are loaded with fluoride from the feed and medications the chickens are given. So we've gone to great lengths to source our egg shells from an Amish farm in Ohio who's chickens live outside on the farm and drink from their personal well. No medications, no fluoride, all of the benefits from Hydroxyapatite, and real, pure peppermint crystals to leave your breath fresh and clean.

Pair it with our Peppermint Coconut Mouth Rinse | One jar lasts for 2-3 months!

Egg Shell Powder is loaded with calcium and other minerals + is a natural source of hydroxyapatite which has been shown to reverse tooth decay

New Zealand Grass Fed Beef Bone is naturally rich in hydroxyapatite in a micro size form, which our teeth can use to heal cavities

Baking Soda alkalizes + deodorizes the mouth, while eating up bacteria

Kaolin Clay is a gentle clay which provides minerals + cleaning power

Pure Peppermint Crystals bursts into minty explosions while you brush + leaves a lasting tingle

  • 2 oz
  • 4 oz

Natural HYDRATION in one POWER-PACKED formula.

GOOD FOR: Cleaning + freshening breath

USE LIKE THIS: Twice daily

SMELLS LIKE: Soothing peppermint


your skin will thank you